2024 Rates

2024 Rates

Rates 2024 - Antibes or Juan-Les-Pins office

Naturopathy* :

Vitality assessment with Vital Hygiene Plan - 1st session (1h45)_____________________75€

Follow-up with V.H.P. update (1h)_____________________________________________65€

*teleconsultation session available

Reflexology :

Auriculothérapie (1h30)_____________________________________________________70€

Foot reflexology with half-leg lymphatic massage (1h30)___________________________70€

Dien Chan facial reflexology (1h30)___________________________________________70€

Iridologie (1h) ____________________________________________________________50€

Express relaxation 30 minutes (Dien Chan or foot reflexology)___________________35€

Dien chan or foot reflexology - Children under 10 (50 minutes)___________________50€


Personal consultation to find out about your elixirs (1h)____________________________45€

(a 30 ml bottle of your composition will be offered to you)

Loyalty offer

Kamano members only: 15% off every 3 sessions (excluding naturopathy)

Payment options: you can pay by credit card, cheque or cash.

For naturopathic teleconsultation sessions, you can pay by bank transfer or online payment via a dedicated link.

Rates 2024 - At your home

Details of "at home" sessions:

> I only travel to Antibes (06600) - Juan Les Pins (06160)

> A session lasts a minimum of 1H30 (exception made for children under 10 (1h)).

> The following rates include travel and transport costs for all my equipment, i.e. an hourly rate of €100.

Naturopathy :

Vitality assessment with Vital Hygiene Plan - 1st session (2h)_________________________200€

Follow-up with V.H.P. update (1h30) ____________________________________________ 150€

Reflexology :

Auriculothérapie (1h30)_______________________________________________________150€

Foot reflexology with half-leg lymphatic massage (1h30) ____________________________ 150€

Dien Chan facial reflexology (1h30)_____________________________________________ 150€

Iridology (1h30) ____________________________________________________________ 150€

30 minutes of additional relaxation (Dien Chan facial or foot reflexology)____________ 70€

Dien Chan or foot reflexology - Children under 10 (1h)___________________________100€

Floritherapy :

Personal consultation to find out about your elixir (1h)______________________________150€

(a 30 ml bottle of your composition will be offered to you)

Payment options: you can pay by credit card, check or cash.

Corporate rates

To receive my sales brochure with offers and prices, please write to me at coralie.naturopathe.reflexologue@gmail.com.

Coralie LE MOIGNE - 2023 - All rights reserved.

Syndicat Professionnels Naturopathie_Coralie Le Moigne
Association AMAVIE_bien etre_Coralie LE MOIGNE
Annuaire thérapeutes_naturopathe_coralie le moigne
Kamanao_naturopathie_reflexologie_Coralie Le Moigne

Legal information

Coralie LE MOIGNE Naturopath Reflexologist E.I. SIRET : 90948869400011 - APE : 8690F - Port. : 07 56 80 14 83. Les Lauriers bât. A - 33 avenue des Lauriers - 06160 JUAN-LES-PINS - France.

Attestation Professionnelle de Naturopathe I.F.I. Sophia-Antipolis 03/03/21.

Member of the Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie.

Member of the Association de Thérapeutes "Ressources 06", and of the Association Amavie. Professional Civil Liability, Operating Civil Liability policy underwritten by Beazley Solutions Ltd - 1 rue Saint Georges 75009 Paris, underwritten by Lloyd's of London Syndicates 623/2623.

Territoriality: Worldwide (Jurisdiction: Worldwide except USA/CANADA).

In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, we offer a consumer mediation service. The chosen mediation body is: CNPM - Médiation de la consommation.

In the event of a dispute, you can submit your claim on its website: https://cnpm-mediation-consommation.eu or by post by writing to CNPM - Médiation - Consommation - 27 avenue de la libération - 42400 Saint-Chamond. V.A.T. not applicable, art. 293 B du C.G.I. The invoice may under no circumstances be assimilated to an invoice for medical care giving rise to reimbursement by a Social Security organization.

Consult the General Sales Conditions (clickable link) of Coralie LE MOIGNE

Coralie LE MOIGNE complies with the RGPD personal data protection policy (clikable link).

Credits: Graphic design by Matthieu DURST (Instagram: @idexpression06); Marketing strategy & simplified website by Delphine SICSIC (www.agencedelca.fr)

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