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Customer testimonials (Google reviews)


I've been following Coralie Le Moigne's naturopathy and, more recently, foot reflexology and auriculotherapy treatments for a year now. So it's only natural that I should recommend her to you, especially if you have an identified problem and are looking for support / a complementary solution to a more conventional approach (as was my case).

Coralie is a rare professional, a very gentle and attentive listener who was able to consider my health constraints and propose a gentle action plan that would evolve over time. A big thank you Coralie, the results speak for themselves :)

Delphine - 34 yo

Ongoing issues : loss of energy; lack of vitality; stress


I met Coralie because I'd had a lot of personal problems over the last few years, which had led to a lot of stress and dyshidrosis in my hands. I also had covid remnants with severe shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. I also have a lot of back pain due to scoliosis. So Coralie combined Dien Chan with several auriculotherapy sessions. The results are impressive: my pain is much reduced, I'm no longer out of breath, I can control my stress much better and my dyshidrosis has disappeared! As well as being very professional, Coralie also has a great sense of listening. She has really been a great help to me and has improved my daily life. Don't hesitate between several therapists, go and see Coralie and you really won't be disappointed! Thank you Coralie 🙏

Léa - 26 yo

Ongoing issues : back pain, stress, anxiety, nervousness, dyshidrosis, and post-covid breathlessness.


After hearing excellent reports on the various healing modalities offered by Coralie Le Moigne, I decided to try them out for myself. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and can honestly say that the improvement I've experienced since my sessions with her has far exceeded my wildest expectations. She is truly willing to listen to your problems and find the best holistic solution to your needs. I've never found a more caring, empathetic, intuitive and calm healer, totally professional and willing to devote all the time you need, so that at the end of each session you really do feel better, uplifted and ready to take on life's challenges. Coralie has magical qualities that are rare to find, and I can't recommend her highly enough.

Miranda - 70 yo

Ongoing issues : multiple aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, blood and lymph circulation.

Questions and answers

How long does a session with Coralie Le Moigne last ?

Reflexology sessions last an average of 1 hour 30 minutes.

For those in a hurry, I offer express facial or plantar relaxation (30 minutes).

For a naturopathic vitality assessment, the first session lasts 1h45 (follow-up sessions last 1h).

For children under 10, the session is reduced to 50 minutes (1h when at your home).

For more information on durations & rates, click here.

What are your prices ?

Consult my rates here for in-office or at-home sessions.

Please note that my prices at your home - in Antibes-Juan Les Pins only - include travel and transport costs for all my equipment and for a minimum session of 1H30.

Are you a company wishing to offer my services to your employees ?

If you'd like to receive a brochure with my offers and rates, please contact me at

How can I pay you for my session ?

You can pay by credit card (SUM UP terminal), check or cash at your convenience.

If you book your session online, payment is made via PayPal (teleconsultation naturopathy sessions included).

Can I offer a session to someone close to me ?

Yes, it is now possible to buy a gift voucher.

To do so, click on the following link and follow the online procedure!

> I want to give the sweetest gift <

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact me directly by e-mail at

or by phone on +33(0)7 56 80 14 83

Coralie LE MOIGNE - 2023 - All rights reserved.

Syndicat Professionnels Naturopathie_Coralie Le Moigne
Association AMAVIE_bien etre_Coralie LE MOIGNE
Annuaire thérapeutes_naturopathe_coralie le moigne
Kamanao_naturopathie_reflexologie_Coralie Le Moigne

Legal information

Coralie LE MOIGNE Naturopath Reflexologist E.I. SIRET : 90948869400011 - APE : 8690F - Port. : 07 56 80 14 83. Les Lauriers bât. A - 33 avenue des Lauriers - 06160 JUAN-LES-PINS - France.

Attestation Professionnelle de Naturopathe I.F.I. Sophia-Antipolis 03/03/21.

Member of the Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie.

Member of the Association de Thérapeutes "Ressources 06", and of the Association Amavie. Professional Civil Liability, Operating Civil Liability policy underwritten by Beazley Solutions Ltd - 1 rue Saint Georges 75009 Paris, underwritten by Lloyd's of London Syndicates 623/2623.

Territoriality: Worldwide (Jurisdiction: Worldwide except USA/CANADA).

In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, we offer a consumer mediation service. The chosen mediation body is: CNPM - Médiation de la consommation.

In the event of a dispute, you can submit your claim on its website: or by post by writing to CNPM - Médiation - Consommation - 27 avenue de la libération - 42400 Saint-Chamond. V.A.T. not applicable, art. 293 B du C.G.I. The invoice may under no circumstances be assimilated to an invoice for medical care giving rise to reimbursement by a Social Security organization.

Consult the General Sales Conditions (clickable link) of Coralie LE MOIGNE

Coralie LE MOIGNE complies with the RGPD personal data protection policy (clikable link).

Credits: Graphic design by Matthieu DURST (Instagram: @idexpression06); Marketing strategy & simplified website by Delphine SICSIC (